What’s with the new Infancy Thomas fragment?


… Headlines like this test my sanctification.

Experts discover earliest record of Jesus’ childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript.”

Help me, Holy Ghost. Help my eyeballs not to roll completely out of my skull and onto the floor.

A few of things: First, this “record” is thirteen lines of text on two by four inches of papyrus. It’s a textual fragment.

Second, <a href="http://<div class="substack-post-embed"><p lang="en">What's with the new Infancy Thomas fragment? by David F. Watson</p><p>And why does Jesus call someone an insolent, godless dunderhead? </p><a data-post-link href="https://davidfwatson3.substack.com/p/whats-with-the-new-infancy-thomas">Read on Substack</a></div><script async src="https://substack.com/embedjs/embed.js&quot; charset="utf-8">Continue Reading